With the amount of items coming from Tula and Ojuelos one would have to expect replicas and modern recreations to be produced. However to us the craftsmanship of many of the flagship pieces is nowhere near matched with these replicas. On some pieces they go to great lengths to produce a quality replica. Sometimes you will see traces of blue pen, sometimes the lines will be consistent and fresh in terms of the line itself lacking proper coloration from the age. Often a sign of modern lapidary tools. Wrong stone types, incorrect iconography, synthetic luminescent inlay, glass or plastic inlay.
Below you will see some fabrication shots as well as methods used to age and make the item more aged. One thing we notice here is the lines are much more perfect and symmetrical on the known replicas. The lack of any buildup in the carvings is usually a major sign of replication. We have found dozens of pieces in replica to known excavated pieces months after they are foun . Mostly in the width and depth but also the intersections. Also not a single authentic piece we have found or seen have a duplicate, the detail in the hands and overall bodies is often undercut on the modern pieces.
We post this information so when you are viewing these stones you can appreciate the amazing work performed on the stones in our galleries and what we feel is likely authentic in comparison to the known modern replicas.
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